5 Ways to Maintain Brain Health through Physical and Mental Exercise

According to neurologists, physical activity is one of the best ways to maintain brain health.  When a person trains, the heart rate increases and the brain receives more oxygen.  As a result, new brain cells are formed, new neural connections are made, mental abilities and brain function are improved.

 Studies have shown that children who exercise regularly are better able to absorb inaccurate information and focus on the current problem.  In addition, they are more likely to move from one cognitive problem to another.

 According to experts, to improve the work of the brain, it will be enough to spend 20 minutes a day on physical exercises, to move a lot.

 3. Train the muscles of the brain

 The brain, like any other muscle, can lose its ability to function if left untreated, which means that it must be used to maintain brain activity.  Experts note that the use of frequently unused parts of the brain is especially important.  Learning new languages   or learning to play a musical instrument would be a great exercise for the brain.  In addition, to improve mental abilities, you can also think of new ideas every day, record them in a special small notebook.

 However, during such exercises, the brain can get tired and "suffer", so it is necessary to make regular changes in daily life.  It is important to remember that the skill of making radical changes can be very important in this regard.

 4. Sit with your back straight

 Vertical position not only raises energy levels, but also improves mood and inspires self-confidence.  Research has shown that people who often sit crooked are less likely to defend their own interests, while people who sit upright are more confident.

 From a cognitive point of view, with a bent body position, a person can suffer from feelings of helplessness, depressive memories and thoughts.  In order not to be physically and mentally depressed, to improve the feeling, it is recommended to pay regular attention to the posture, to keep the back straight.

 5. Keep your cell phone away from your head at night

 Although the effects of wireless devices on the brain have not yet been fully studied, there is an obvious link between the "light quality" of blue light they emit, and the disruption or alteration of sleep phases is extremely harmful to the body.  For example, disturbance of the deep sleep phase may disrupt the process of clearing the brain of harmful beta-amyloid.

 According to experts, a person needs 6-8 hours of sleep to fully cleanse the brain, otherwise the accumulation of beta-ameloids will lead to serious disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

 Thus, the deep sleep phase is very important in clearing the brain of neurotoxins, and since cell phones and other wireless devices affect the quality of sleep, they should be kept as far away as possible at night.