Growing tall 

From conception to full adulthood, children continue to grow. Of course, depending on each period, it will grow noticeably faster or grow a little more slowly. The period from birth to 2 years of age is the period of greatest growth. During this period, it grows to about 10-25 cm in height per year. After 2 years of age, the growth rate tends to slow down a bit until puberty, but it grows at an average of about 5-6 cm per year. Then, the growth rate accelerates again at the beginning of puberty, usually around the age of 11 for girls and about 13 for boys. The second maximum growth period is between the ages of 11 to 13 years for girls and 13 to 15 years for boys. After that, the growth of the limbs gradually stops, mainly grow in the trunk, and then gradually all growth after the age of 16 to 18. this will stop 

male puberty

Puberty in boys usually begins around the age of 13, the age of bones. At this time, the growth is accelerated and grows by 1 cm or more per month. It grows to about 16.5cm by the age of 15, the peak of growth, and grows by about 6cm by the age of 18, although the growth slows slightly after the age of 15. Therefore, it will grow to an average of 22.5 cm or more during puberty. The secondary sexual characteristic that signals the onset of puberty is the enlargement of the testicles. After this period, the boy grows taller and begins to grow hairs on the armpits and chin, and the growth gradually slows down.  

girl's puberty

 In girls, puberty usually begins around age 11, the age of bone. At this time, the growth is accelerated and grows by 1 cm or more per month. It grows to about 15cm by the age of 13, the peak of growth, and grows to about 6cm more by the age of 16, although growth is slightly slower after the age of 13. Therefore, during puberty, the height increases by more than 20 cm. Breasts begin to appear at the time of secondary sexual characteristics, which signals the onset of puberty, but when hairs appear in the armpits, growth begins to slow down and menarche occurs.

However, this is a general case, and there may be large deviations from individual to individual. In other words, depending on the child, he was shorter than his peers when he was young, but later in puberty, he becomes taller than other children. This is a case where the bone age (bone age) is lower than the actual child's age (reverse age). That is, even if the actual age is 13 years old if the bone age is only 11 years old, there is room for about 2 years more than other children. This is why bone age is more important than actual age in growth and development.

Eat a balanced diet

Supplements or supplements that increase height are usually not scientifically proven to be effective, and if you rely too much on these drugs, you may lose a much more important healthy lifestyle. The most important thing is to get into the habit of eating evenly in order to grow taller and grow taller. It is most desirable to consume nutrients evenly but to consume them with food full of sincerity. Compared to children who ate natural nutrients, who grew up enjoying the energy of nature, such as the land or the sea, children who enjoy instant food and processed food lag behind in terms of growth, but it is never good for their health. By reducing your dependence on ready-to-eat food or eating out and preparing healthy food, you can give your child a tremendous wealth of 'health'. Taking care of the children's table, that is, enabling a balanced nutritional intake, is a strategy for my child to grow taller and to have a strong body.